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In China, based on historical import data, China needs to import about 5 million tons of recycled plastic pellets every year. With the continuous development of domestic and foreign situations, production and processing in the country of origin will become the future development trend. Therefore, many domestic recycled pellet markets have turned their targets abroad to try to discover new business opportunities.



From the perspective of investing in overseas markets, with the implementation of the domestic “prohibition of waste”, many domestic enterprises have turned their attention to foreign countries. In the past two years, about 90% of the global investment in recycled plastics has come from China. However, the overseas market is a brand new field for those who have never been involved. How can we successfully achieve procurement and investment? Especially in the case of increasing economic downturn, how do we ensure the maximum use of funds?



As a service provider of the global recycled plastics industry, Zaisubao will use your expertise to bring you into the African market, understand the African market, purchase African markets, and invest in African markets. 

In May 2019, under the leadership of relevant government agencies in China, zaisubao will join with many domestic reclaimed pellet companies to fly to Africa and deepen the procurement and investment in the recycled pellet market in South Africa, Ethiopia and Egypt.


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